Cat Stevens

Cat Stevens

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  1. Chronicles Chronicles
    1. 01. Lady d'Arbanville
    2. 02. Maybe You're Right
    3. 03. Pop Star
    4. 04. I Think I See the Light
    5. 05. Trouble
    6. 06. Mona Bone Jakon
    7. 07. I Wish, I Wish
    8. 08. Katmandu
    9. 09. Time
    10. 10. Fill My Eyes
    11. 11. Lilywhite
    12. 12. Where Do The Children Play
    13. 13. Hard Headed Woman
    14. 14. Wild World
    15. 15. Sad Lisa
    16. 16. Miles from Nowhere
    17. 17. But I Might Die Tonight
    18. 18. Longer Boats
    19. 19. Into White
    20. 20. On the Road to Find Out
    21. 21. Father and Son
    22. 22. Tea for the Tillerman
    23. 23. The Wind
    24. 24. Rubylove
    25. 25. If I Laugh
    26. 26. Changes IV
    27. 27. How Can I Tell You
    28. 28. Tuesday's Dead
    29. 29. Morning Has Broken
    30. 30. Bitterblue
    31. 31. Moonshadow
    32. 32. Peace Train
  2. Majikat: Earth Tour 1976 Majikat: Earth Tour 1976
    1. 01. The Doves Majikat Tour Theme
    2. 02. The Wind
    3. 03. Moonshadow
    4. 04. Where Do The Children Play
    5. 05. Another Saturday Night
    6. 06. Hard Headed Woman
    7. 07. Miles From Nowhere
    8. 08. King of Trees
    9. 09. C79
    10. 10. Banapple Gas
    11. 11. Majik of Majiks
    12. 12. Oh Very Young
    13. 13. The Hurt
    14. 14. Sad Lisa
    15. 15. Two Fine People
    16. 16. Fill My Eyes
    17. 17. Father And Son
    18. 18. Ruins
    19. 19. Peace Train
  3. Edição Limitada: Cat Stevens Edição Limitada: Cat Stevens
    1. 01. Father And Son
    2. 02. Where Do The Children Play
    3. 03. Wild World
    4. 04. Sad Lisa
    5. 05. Tea for the Tilleman, Jus Another Night
    6. 06. Last Love Song
    7. 07. Daytime
    8. 08. New York Times
    9. 09. Randy
    10. 10. Miles From Nowhere
    11. 11. Father
    12. 12. Nascimento
    13. 13. Longer Boats
    14. 14. Hard-Headed Woman
  4. The Very Best of Cat The Very Best of Cat
    1. 01. Moonshadow
    2. 02. Father And Son
    3. 03. Morning Has Broken
    4. 04. Wild World
    5. 05. The First Cut Is The Deepest
    6. 06. Lady D'Arbanville
    7. 07. Oh Very Young
    8. 08. Matthew & Son
    9. 09. Siting
    10. 10. Hard Headed Woman
    11. 11. I Love My Dog
    12. 12. Ruby Love
    13. 13. Don't Be Shy
    14. 14. Canb't Keep It In
    15. 15. Here Comes My Baby
    16. 16. Into White
    17. 17. (Rememnber The Days Of The)Old School Yard
    18. 18. Where Do The Children Play
    19. 19. How Can I Tell You
    20. 20. Another Saturday Night
    21. 21. Sad Lisa
    22. 22. Just Another Night
    23. 23. Peace Train
    24. 24. If You Want To Sing Out, Sing Out
  5. Gold (Remastered) Gold (Remastered)
    1. 01. Matthew & Son
    2. 02. Here Comes My Baby
    3. 03. The First Cut Is the Deepest
    4. 04. Lady d'Arbanville
    5. 05. Trouble
    6. 06. Where Do The Children Play
    7. 07. Hard Headed Woman
    8. 08. Wild World
    9. 09. Sad Lisa
    10. 10. Father and Son
    11. 11. Don't Be Shy
    12. 12. If You Want to Sing Out Sing Out
    13. 13. The Wind
    14. 14. Moonshadow
    15. 15. Morning Has Broken
    16. 16. Bitterblue
    17. 17. Peace Train
    18. 18. Sitting
    19. 19. Silent Sunlight
    20. 20. Angelsea
    21. 21. Can't Keep It In
    22. 22. 18th Avenue (Kansas City Nightmare)
    23. 23. The Hurt
    24. 24. Foreigner Suite
    25. 25. Oh Very Young
    26. 26. King of Trees
    27. 27. Another Saturday Night
    28. 28. Drywood
    29. 29. (Remember the Days of The) Old Schoolyard
    30. 30. (I Never Wanted) To Be a Star
    31. 31. Last Love Song
    32. 32. Indian Ocean
  6. Sad Lisa Sad Lisa
    1. 01. Wild World
    2. 02. Where Do The Children Play
    3. 03. Father
    4. 04. And Son
    5. 05. Daytime
    6. 06. New York Times
    7. 07. Sad Lisa
    8. 08. Father
    9. 09. Nascimento
    10. 10. The Artist
    11. 11. Tea For The Tillerman
    12. 12. On The Road To Find Out
    13. 13. Bad Brakes
    14. 14. Into White
    15. 15. Randy
    16. 16. Last Love Song
    17. 17. Never Be Another You
    18. 18. Miles From Nowhere
    19. 19. Hard Headed Woman
    20. 20. But I Might Die Tonight
  7. On the Road to Find Out On the Road to Find Out
    1. 01. Back to the Good Old Times
    2. 02. I Love My Dog
    3. 03. Portobello Road
    4. 04. Here Comes My Baby
    5. 05. The Tramp
    6. 06. I'm Gonna Get Me a Gun
    7. 07. School Is Out
    8. 08. A Bad Night
    9. 09. The Laughing Apple
    10. 10. Kitty
    11. 11. Blackness of Night
    12. 12. The First Cut Is the Deepest
    13. 13. Northern Wind
    14. 14. Moonstone
    15. 15. Come on Baby (Shift That Log)
    16. 16. Lovely City
    17. 17. Here Comes My Wife
    18. 18. The View From the Top
    19. 19. Where Are You
    20. 20. If Only Mother Could See Me Now
    21. 21. Honey Man (With Elton John)
    22. 22. The Joke
    23. 23. Time/Fill My Eyes
    24. 24. Lady D'Arbanville
    25. 25. Trouble
    26. 26. Pop Star
    27. 27. Katmandu
    28. 28. Lillywhite
    29. 29. I've Got a Thing About Seeing My Grandson
    30. 30. Where Do The Children Play
    31. 31. Wild World
    32. 32. Sad Lisa
    33. 33. On the Road to Find Out
    34. 34. Father And Son
    35. 35. Love Lives in the Sky (Land O' Freelove & Goodbye)
    36. 36. Don't Be Shy
    37. 37. If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out
    38. 38. The Day They Make Me Tzar
    39. 39. The Wind
    40. 40. Moonshadow
    41. 41. Morning Has Broken
    42. 42. How Can I Tell You
    43. 43. Peace Train
    44. 44. I Want to Live in a Wigwam
    45. 45. Crab Dance
    46. 46. Sitting
    47. 47. Silent Sunlight
    48. 48. Angelsea
    49. 49. Can't Keep It in
    50. 50. 18th Avenue
    51. 51. The Hurt
    52. 52. Foreigner Suite
    53. 53. Oh Very Young
    54. 54. Music
    55. 55. Sun/C79
    56. 56. King of Trees
    57. 57. Bad Penny (Live)
    58. 58. Lady D'Arbanville (Live)
    59. 59. Another Saturday Night
    60. 60. Whistlestar
    61. 61. Novim's Nightmare
    62. 62. Majik of Majiks
    63. 63. Banapple Gas
    64. 64. Blue Monday
    65. 65. Doves
    66. 66. Hard Headed Woman (Live)
    67. 67. Tuesday's Dead (Live)
    68. 68. Ruins (Live)
    69. 69. (Remember the Days of The) Old Schoolyard
    70. 70. Life
    71. 71. (I Never Wanted) to Be a Star
    72. 72. Child for a Day
    73. 73. Just Another Night
    74. 74. Daytime
    75. 75. Last Love Song
    76. 76. Never
    77. 77. Father And Son (Live)
    78. 78. God Is the Light
  8. Tea for the Tillerman (Remastered) Tea for the Tillerman (Remastered)
    1. 01. Where Do The Children Play
    2. 02. Hard Headed Woman
    3. 03. Wild World
    4. 04. Sad Lisa
    5. 05. Miles From Nowhere
    6. 06. But I Might Die Tonight
    7. 07. Longer Boats
    8. 08. Into White
    9. 09. On The Road To Find Out
    10. 10. Father And Son
    11. 11. Tea For The Tillerman
  9. Greatest Hits Greatest Hits
    1. 01. Wild World
    2. 02. Oh Very Young
    3. 03. Can't Keep It In
    4. 04. Hard Headed Woman
    5. 05. Moonshadow
    6. 06. Two Fine People
    7. 07. Peace Train
    8. 08. Ready
    9. 09. Father and Son
    10. 10. Sitting
    11. 11. Morning Has Broken
    12. 12. Another Saturday Night
  10. Remember Cat Stevens: the Ultimate Collection Remember Cat Stevens: the Ultimate Collection
    1. 01. Moonshadow
    2. 02. Father and Son
    3. 03. Morning Has Broken
    4. 04. Wild World
    5. 05. The First Cut Is The Deepest
    6. 06. Lady D`arbanville
    7. 07. Oh Very Young
    8. 08. Matthew and Son
    9. 09. Sitting
    10. 10. Hard Headed Woman
    11. 11. I Love My Dog
    12. 12. Rubylove
    13. 13. Don`t Be Shy
    14. 14. Can`t Keep It In
    15. 15. Here Comes My Baby
    16. 16. Into White
    17. 17. (Remember The Days Of The) Old Schoolyard
    18. 18. Where Do The Children Play
    19. 19. Land O`freelove & Goodbye
    20. 20. Another Saturday Night
    21. 21. The Foreigner Suite (excerpt)
    22. 22. Just Another Night
    23. 23. Peace Train
    24. 24. If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out
  11. The Early Tapes The Early Tapes
    1. 01. I Love My Dog
    2. 02. The First Cut Is The Deepest
    3. 03. A Bad Night
    4. 04. I'm So Sleepy
    5. 05. Blackness Of The Night
    6. 06. School Is Out
    7. 07. Northern Wind
    8. 08. The View From The Top
    9. 09. Come On And Dance
    10. 10. Where Are You
    11. 11. Granny
    12. 12. Moonstone
    13. 13. Ceylon City
    14. 14. Kitty
  12. New Masters New Masters
    1. 01. Kitty
    2. 02. I'm so Sllepy
    3. 03. Northern Wind
    4. 04. The Laughing Apple
    5. 05. Smash your Heart
    6. 06. Moonstone
    7. 07. The First Cut is the Deepest
    8. 08. I'm Gonna Be Kiing
    9. 09. Ceylon City
    10. 10. Blackness of Night
    11. 11. Come on Baby
    12. 12. I Love Them All
    13. 13. Image of Hell
    14. 14. Lovely City
    15. 15. the View From the Top
    16. 16. Here Comes my Wife
    17. 17. It's a Super (Dupa) Life
    18. 18. Where are you
    19. 19. A Bad Night
  13. The Very Best Of Cat Stevens The Very Best Of Cat Stevens
    1. 01. Matthew & Son
    2. 02. The First Cut Is The Deepest
    3. 03. Lady D'Arbanville
    4. 04. I Ve Got A Thing About Seeing My Grandson Grow Old
    5. 05. Wild World
    6. 06. Where Do The Children Play
    7. 07. Hard Headed Woman
    8. 08. Father And Son
    9. 09. The Wind
    10. 10. Morning Has Broken
    11. 11. Moonshadow
    12. 12. Peace Train
    13. 13. Sitting
    14. 14. Can't Keep It In
    15. 15. Foreigner Suite
    16. 16. Oh Very Young
    17. 17. Another Saturday Night
    18. 18. Majik Of Majiks
    19. 19. (Remember The Days Of The) Old Schoolyard
    20. 20. Just Another Night
  14. Matthew & Son Matthew & Son
    1. 01. Matthew & Som
    2. 02. I Love My Dog
    3. 03. Here Comes My Baby
    4. 04. Bring Another Bottle Baby
    5. 05. Portobello Road
    6. 06. I've Found A Love
    7. 07. I See A Road
    8. 08. Baby Get Your Head Screwed On
    9. 09. Granny
    10. 10. When I Speak To The Flowers
    11. 11. The Tramp
    12. 12. Come On And Dance
    13. 13. Hummingbird
    14. 14. Lady
    15. 15. School Is Out
    16. 16. I'm Gonna Get Me A Gun
  15. Morning Has Broken Morning Has Broken
    1. 01. Where Do The Children Play
    2. 02. Rubylove
    3. 03. Wild World
    4. 04. Sad Lisa
    5. 05. Tuesday's Dead
    6. 06. Morning Has Broken
    7. 07. Lady D'Arbanville
    8. 08. Longer Boats
    9. 09. Bitter Blue
    10. 10. I Want To Live In a Wigwam
    11. 11. O Caritas
    12. 12. Father And Son
  16. Back To Earth Back To Earth
    1. 01. Just Another Night
    2. 02. Daytime
    3. 03. Bad Brakes
    4. 04. Randy
    5. 05. The Artist
    6. 06. Last Love Song
    7. 07. Nascimento
    8. 08. Father
    9. 09. New York Times
    10. 10. Never
  17. Izitso Izitso
    1. 01. (Remember The Days Of The) Old Schoolyard
    2. 02. Life
    3. 03. Killin' Time
    4. 04. Kypros
    5. 05. Bonfire
    6. 06. (I Never Wanted) To Be A Star
    7. 07. Crazy
    8. 08. Sweet Jamaica
    9. 09. Was Dog a Doughnut
    10. 10. Child For A Day
  18. Numbers Numbers
    1. 01. Whistlestar
    2. 02. Novim's Nightmare
    3. 03. Majik of Majiks
    4. 04. Drywood
    5. 05. Banapple Gas
    6. 06. Land O' Freelove & Goodbye
    7. 07. Jzero
    8. 08. Home
    9. 09. Monad's Anthem
  19. Buddha And The Chocolate Box Buddha And The Chocolate Box
    1. 01. Music
    2. 02. Oh Very Young
    3. 03. Sun / C79
    4. 04. Ghost Town
    5. 05. Jesus
    6. 06. Ready
    7. 07. King Of Trees
    8. 08. Bad Penny
    9. 09. Home In The Sky
  20. Foreigner Foreigner
    1. 01. Foreigner Suite
    2. 02. The Hurt
    3. 03. How Many Times
    4. 04. Later
    5. 05. 100 I Dream
  21. Catch Bull At Four Catch Bull At Four
    1. 01. Sitting
    2. 02. Boy With A Moon & Star On His Head
    3. 03. Angelsea
    4. 04. Silent Sunlight
    5. 05. Can't Keep It In
    6. 06. 18th Avenue
    7. 07. Freezing Steel
    8. 08. O Caritas
    9. 09. Sweet Scarlet
    10. 10. Ruins
  22. Teaser And The Firecat Teaser And The Firecat
    1. 01. The Wind
    2. 02. Rubylove
    3. 03. If I Laugh
    4. 04. Changes IV
    5. 05. How Can I Tell You
    6. 06. Tuesday's Dead
    7. 07. Morning Has Broken
    8. 08. Bitterblue
    9. 09. Moonshadow
    10. 10. Peace Train
  23. The World Of Cat Stevens The World Of Cat Stevens
    1. 01. Here Comes My Wife
    2. 02. Granny
    3. 03. Matthew And Son
    4. 04. Here Comes My Baby
    5. 05. Lovely City
    6. 06. I'm Gonna Get Me a Gun
    7. 07. I Love My Dog
    8. 08. Kitty
    9. 09. The First Cut Is The Deepest
    10. 10. A Bad Night
    11. 11. School Is Out
    12. 12. Where Are You?
  24. Mona Bone Jakon Mona Bone Jakon
    1. 01. Lady D'Arbanville
    2. 02. Maybe You're Right
    3. 03. Pop Star
    4. 04. I Think I See The Light
    5. 05. Trouble
    6. 06. Mona Bone Jakon
    7. 07. I Wish, I Wish
    8. 08. Katmandu
    9. 09. Time
    10. 10. Fill My Eyes
    11. 11. Lillywhite
  25. Tea For The Tillerman Tea For The Tillerman
    1. 01. Where Do The Children Play
    2. 02. Hard Headed Woman
    3. 03. Wild World
    4. 04. Sad Lisa
    5. 05. Miles From Nowhere
    6. 06. But I Might Die Tonight
    7. 07. Longer Boats
    8. 08. Into White
    9. 09. On The Road To Find Out
    10. 10. Father And Son
    11. 11. Tea For The Tillerman
  26. Matthew And Son Matthew And Son
    1. 01. Matthew And Son
    2. 02. I Love My Dog
    3. 03. Here Comes My Baby
    4. 04. Better Bring Another Bottle Baby
    5. 05. Portobello Road
    6. 06. I've Found a Love
    7. 07. I See a Road
    8. 08. Baby Get Your Head Screwed On
    9. 09. Granny
    10. 10. When I Speak To the Flowers
    11. 11. The Tramp
    12. 12. Come On And Dance
    13. 13. Hummingbird
    14. 14. Lady

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